Corruption or SOP?


This discussion allows you to expand your understanding of the challenges faced in the criminal justice system when ethical decision-making and group mentality occur simultaneously. Sometimes, people make decisions based not upon what is ethically right or wrong, but on the behavior of their peers and what they observe in their environment. Seeing that behavior as a standard operating procedure, if you will.

Discussion Question
Research a case or example of corruption within the criminal justice system that was considered the normative behavior by the participants. What was the agency? Who was involved? What was the ethical breech that was deemed to be acceptable and that was mitigated via group mentality and unspoken standard operating procedures (SOP)? Do you think this is still an accepted practice and mindset in criminal justice agencies? Whether yes or no, support your answer with substantial empirical data.
Your initial post must be at least 200250 words  with references and citations