
8083 Module 4:

Assessments to Foster Development and Guide Teaching and Learning

During this module, you will create scenarios to challenge your colleagues on the selection of appropriate assessments, as well as take part in evaluating the assessments for a given scenario. You will develop a presentation on the importance of systematic assessment and setting instructional goals. Part of this module will include posts to your online blogs and looking deeper into purposeful assessment and its usefulness to the early childhood educator.

Note: This module is 2 weeks long with two Discussions.

Discussion 1: Choosing the Proper Assessment

Assessment is key to learning where a child is in his or her development, learning what the child knows, and learning where you need to go next with your lessons. It does not serve students well to have a lesson without assessment and not using assessment to guide your next steps. Based on your previous research on intervention assessments and strategies, you will now create an assessment scenario for your peers to attempt to answer.

Base this on your research, your knowledge of the assessment, and condition, as well as the age of the child and learning environment. Challenge your peers, but also provide enough information to guide the choice. Choose a scenario to respond to what challenges you as well. Your score comes from your posts, rationales, and feedback, not whether you select the right assessment in your response!

To prepare:

· Review and reflect on the four listed articles for this module and the recommended Learning Resources.

· Create a brief scenario/case study based on your research and readings from the previous weeks’ assignments that will require your peers to choose an assessment that is appropriate for the situation. Give enough information on the child and the situation, but not so much as to provide an answer quickly. Make sure you indicate the age of the child.

Assignment Task Part 1

Select a posted scenario and indicate the assessment you would choose for this child at this point in time.

Explain the following in 2 pages:

· Why this is the best assessment for this child

· What information this assessment will provide

Support your rationale with research.

Try to choose a scenario that has not already been addressed by another peer. Indicate how you would determine if these assessments are culturally responsive?

Note: Cite your research and provide appropriate references in APA format to substantiate your thinking.

Assignment Task Part 2

Return to your original scenario and do the following:

· Examine the answers posted by your colleagues. Indicate correct answers and address incorrect ones. Reveal the assessment you had selected, and explain why this is the best one for this scenario.

· Be a critical friend and provide feedback to two of your colleagues on their scenarios. Was there any confusing language? What could have made the scenario clearer and provide needed information? Are there any errors that need to be addressed?

4 Listed Scenario Articles

Banerjee, R., & Luckner, J.L. (2013). Assessment practices and training needs of early childhood professionals. Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education 34(3), 231-248.

Ebbeck, M., Teo, G., Tan, C., & Goh, M. (2014).  Relooking assessment: A study on assessing developmental learning outcomes in toddlers. Early Childhood Education Journal 42(2), 115-123

Howlin, P. (2013). Authentic assessment for early childhood intervention: Best practices. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities 26(2), 181

O’Grady, M. G., & Dushing, S.C. (2015). Reliability and validity of play-based assessments of motor and cognitive skills for infants and young children: A systematic review.  Journal of the American Physical Therapy Association 95(1), 25-38