
8083 Module 4:

Assignment 2: Blog: Choosing the Proper Assessment Scenarios

Blogs can be one of the most interesting and valuable sources of feedback you can have—use it to your advantage! Pose questions and solicit feedback from your guests, and see what types of discussions you can generate. You will be amazed at how much you and your guests can learn from your blogs!

Part of the advantage of having a blog is posting material for which you solicit feedback. Using the scenarios/case studies from Weeks 7 and 8, you will post these to your blog and ask your guests to answer them. Consider the feedback you received from your peers and Instructor and adjust as needed before posting. See how many get the answers correct!

To prepare:

· Review the answers to the two scenarios/case studies you created for the discussions in Weeks 7 and 8.

· Consider the feedback provided by your peers carefully, and make sure your scenarios and your answers are correct.

By Day 7 of Week 8

Post the scenarios on your blog for guests to answer. If you find another scenario that you would like to post to your blog, ask the author’s permission to post and add this to your blog as well. You may wish to “hide” the answers within the blog.

Add an introduction to the scenarios, define purposeful assessment, and indicate what information it provides to the early childhood educator. Cite and reference from research.

Scenarios /Resources

Banerjee, R., & Luckner, J.L. (2013). Assessment practices and training needs of early childhood professionals. Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education 34(3), 231-248.

Ebbeck, M., Teo, G., Tan, C., & Goh, M. (2014).  Relooking assessment: A study on assessing developmental learning outcomes in toddlers. Early Childhood Education Journal 42(2), 115-123

Howlin, P. (2013). Authentic assessment for early childhood intervention: Best practices. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities 26(2), 181

O’Grady, M. G., & Dushing, S.C. (2015). Reliability and validity of play-based assessments of motor and cognitive skills for infants and young children: A systematic review.  Journal of the American Physical Therapy Association 95(1), 25-38